Perot$506998$ - определение. Что такое Perot$506998$
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Что (кто) такое Perot$506998$ - определение

H. Ross Perot; H Perot; Henry Ross Perot; Henry Perot; Henry R. Perot; H Ross Perot; Henry Ross Perot, Sr.; Ross Perot, Sr.; Perot Foundation; Ross Perot Sr.; H. "Ross" Perot; Ross Perrot; Henry Ray Perot; Perot, Ross
  • From left to right: [[Larry Hagman]], Ross Perot, Margot Perot and Suzanne Perot (1988)
  • Flyer from Perot's 1996 presidential campaign
  • Perot with a portrait of [[George Washington]] in his office in 1986
  • Perot addresses the audience at the "A Time of Remembrance" ceremony in Washington, D.C., September 20, 2008.
  • Perot in 1983
  • Perot meets [[Bill Clinton]] and [[George H. W. Bush]] at the third presidential debate at [[Michigan State University]], October 19, 1992.

  • Airy distribution <math> A_\text{trans}^{\prime} </math> (solid lines), corresponding to light transmitted through a Fabry–Pérot resonator, calculated for different values of the reflectivities <math> R_1 = R_2 </math>, and comparison with a single Lorentzian line (dashed lines) calculated for the same <math> R_1 = R_2 </math>.<ref  name=IsmailPollnau2016/> At half maximum (black line), with decreasing reflectivities the FWHM linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_\text{Airy} </math> of the Airy distribution broadens compared to the FWHM linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_c </math> of its corresponding Lorentzian line: <math> R_1 = R_2 = 0.9, 0.6, 0.32, 0.172 </math> results in <math> \Delta \nu_\text{Airy} / \Delta \nu_c = 1.001, 1.022, 1.132, 1.717 </math>, respectively.
  •  The physical meaning of the Airy finesse <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} </math> of a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref  name=IsmailPollnau2016/> When scanning the Fabry–Pérot length (or the angle of incident light), Airy distributions (colored solid lines) are created by signals at individual frequencies. The experimental result of the measurement is the sum of the individual Airy distributions (black dashed line). If the signals occur at frequencies <math> \nu_m = \nu_q + m \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} </math>, where <math> m </math> is an integer starting at <math> q </math>, the Airy distributions at adjacent frequencies are separated from each other by the linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} </math>, thereby fulfilling the Taylor criterion for the spectroscopic resolution of two adjacent peaks. The maximum number of signals that can be resolved is <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} </math>. Since in this specific example the reflectivities <math> R_1 = R_2 = 0.59928 </math> have been chosen such that <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} = 6 </math> is an integer, the signal for <math> m = \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} </math> at the frequency <math> \nu_q + \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} = \nu_q + \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math> coincides with the signal for <math> m = q </math> at <math> \nu_q </math>. In this example, a maximum of <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} = 6 </math> peaks can be resolved when applying the Taylor criterion.
  • A commercial Fabry–Pérot device
  • Finesse as a function of reflectivity. Very high finesse factors require highly reflective mirrors.
  • Transient analysis of a silicon (''n'' = 3.4) Fabry–Pérot etalon at normal incidence. The upper animation is for etalon thickness chosen to give maximum transmission while the lower animation is for thickness chosen to give minimum transmission.
  • Fabry–Pérot interferometer, using a pair of partially reflective, slightly wedged optical flats. The wedge angle is highly exaggerated in this illustration; only a fraction of a degree is actually necessary to avoid ghost fringes. Low-finesse versus high-finesse images correspond to mirror reflectivities of 4% (bare glass) and 95%.
  • False color transient for a high refractive index, dielectric slab in air. The thickness/frequencies have been selected such that red (top) and blue (bottom) experience maximum transmission, whereas the green (middle) experiences minimum transmission.
  • A Fabry–Pérot etalon. Light enters the etalon and undergoes multiple internal reflections.
  • Example of a Fabry–Pérot resonator with (top) frequency-dependent mirror reflectivity and (bottom) the resulting distorted mode profiles <math> \gamma_{q,{\rm trans}}^{\prime} </math> of the modes with indices <math> q = 2000, 2001, 2002 </math>, the sum of 6 million mode profiles (pink dots, displayed for a few frequencies only), and the Airy distribution <math> A_{\rm trans}^{\prime} </math>.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> The vertical dashed lines denote the maximum of the reflectivity curve (black) and the resonance frequencies of the individual modes (colored).
  • Lorentzian linewidth and finesse versus Airy linewidth and finesse of a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> [Left] Relative Lorentzian linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_c / \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math> (blue curve), relative Airy linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} / \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math> (green curve), and its approximation (red curve). [Right] Lorentzian finesse <math> \mathcal{F}_c </math> (blue curve), Airy finesse <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} </math> (green curve), and its approximation (red curve) as a function of reflectivity value <math> R_1 R_2 </math>. The exact solutions of the Airy linewidth and finesse (green lines) correctly break down at <math> \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} = \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math>, equivalent to <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} = 1 </math>, whereas their approximations (red lines) incorrectly do not break down. Insets: Region <math> R_1 R_2 < 0.1 </math>.
  • The physical meaning of the Lorentzian finesse <math> \mathcal{F}_c </math> of a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> Displayed is the situation for <math> R_1 = R_2 \approx 4.32\% </math>, at which <math> \Delta \nu_c = \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math> and <math> \mathcal{F}_c = 1 </math>, i.e., two adjacent Lorentzian lines (dashed colored lines, only 5 lines are shown for clarity for each resonance frequency,<math> \nu_{q} </math>) cross at half maximum (solid black line) and the Taylor criterion for spectrally resolving two peaks in the resulting Airy distribution (solid purple line, the sum of 5 lines which has been normalized to the peak intensity of itself) is reached.
  • Resonance enhancement in a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> (top) Spectrally dependent internal resonance enhancement, equaling the generic Airy distribution <math> A_\text{circ} </math>. Light launched into the resonator is resonantly enhanced by this factor. For the curve with <math> R_1 = R_2 = 0.9</math>, the peak value is at <math> A_\text{circ}(\nu_q) = 100 </math>, outside the scale of the ordinate. (bottom) Spectrally dependent external resonance enhancement, equaling the Airy distribution <math> A_\text{circ}^{\prime} </math>. Light incident upon the resonator is resonantly enhanced by this factor.
  • Electric fields in a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> The electric-field mirror reflectivities are <math> r_1 </math> and <math> r_2 </math>. Indicated are the characteristic electric fields produced by an electric field <math> E_{\rm inc} </math> incident upon mirror 1: <math> E_{\rm refl,1} </math> initially reflected at mirror 1, <math> E_{\rm laun} </math> launched through mirror 1, <math> E_{\rm circ} </math> and <math> E_\text{b-circ} </math> circulating inside the resonator in forward and backward propagation direction, respectively, <math> E_{\rm RT} </math> propagating inside the resonator after one round trip, <math> E_{\rm trans} </math> transmitted through mirror 2, <math> E_{\rm back} </math> transmitted through mirror 1, and the total field <math> E_{\rm refl} </math> propagating backward. Interference occurs at the left- and right-hand sides of mirror 1 between <math> E_{\rm refl,1} </math> and <math> E_{\rm back} </math>, resulting in <math> E_{\rm refl} </math>, and between <math> E_{\rm laun} </math> and <math> E_{\rm RT} </math>, resulting in <math> E_{\rm circ} </math>, respectively.
Etalon; Fabry-Perot; Fabry-Perot Interferometer; Fabry-Perot Étalon; Fabry-Perot interferometer; Fabry-Perot etalon; Fabry-Perot étalon; Coefficient of Finesse; Coefficient of finesse; Fabry-Pérot etalon; Fabry perot etalon; Fabry Perot etalon; Fabry-Perot Etalon; Étalon; Fabry-Pérot étalon; Fabry-Pérot; Fabry Pérot etalon; Fabry Pérot étalon; Fabry Perot; Fabry Pérot; Fabry-Pérot interferometer; Fabry–Perot interferometer; Fabry–Pérot interferometers; Fabry-Perot device; Fabry–Perot etalon; Fabry–Pérot etalon; Fabry–Pérot; Fabry–Pérot laser; Fabry-Perot laser; Fabry-Pérot laser; Fabry-Pérot interferometers; Faby-Perot filter; Fabry-Perot filter; Fabry–Pérot interferometry; Finesse Coefficient; Fabry-Pérot interferometry; Fabry Pérot interferometer
¦ noun Physics a device consisting of two reflecting plates, for producing interfering light beams.
early 20th cent.: from Fr. etalon, lit. 'standard of measurement'.
Fabry–Pérot interferometer         
  • Airy distribution <math> A_\text{trans}^{\prime} </math> (solid lines), corresponding to light transmitted through a Fabry–Pérot resonator, calculated for different values of the reflectivities <math> R_1 = R_2 </math>, and comparison with a single Lorentzian line (dashed lines) calculated for the same <math> R_1 = R_2 </math>.<ref  name=IsmailPollnau2016/> At half maximum (black line), with decreasing reflectivities the FWHM linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_\text{Airy} </math> of the Airy distribution broadens compared to the FWHM linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_c </math> of its corresponding Lorentzian line: <math> R_1 = R_2 = 0.9, 0.6, 0.32, 0.172 </math> results in <math> \Delta \nu_\text{Airy} / \Delta \nu_c = 1.001, 1.022, 1.132, 1.717 </math>, respectively.
  •  The physical meaning of the Airy finesse <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} </math> of a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref  name=IsmailPollnau2016/> When scanning the Fabry–Pérot length (or the angle of incident light), Airy distributions (colored solid lines) are created by signals at individual frequencies. The experimental result of the measurement is the sum of the individual Airy distributions (black dashed line). If the signals occur at frequencies <math> \nu_m = \nu_q + m \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} </math>, where <math> m </math> is an integer starting at <math> q </math>, the Airy distributions at adjacent frequencies are separated from each other by the linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} </math>, thereby fulfilling the Taylor criterion for the spectroscopic resolution of two adjacent peaks. The maximum number of signals that can be resolved is <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} </math>. Since in this specific example the reflectivities <math> R_1 = R_2 = 0.59928 </math> have been chosen such that <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} = 6 </math> is an integer, the signal for <math> m = \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} </math> at the frequency <math> \nu_q + \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} = \nu_q + \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math> coincides with the signal for <math> m = q </math> at <math> \nu_q </math>. In this example, a maximum of <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} = 6 </math> peaks can be resolved when applying the Taylor criterion.
  • A commercial Fabry–Pérot device
  • Finesse as a function of reflectivity. Very high finesse factors require highly reflective mirrors.
  • Transient analysis of a silicon (''n'' = 3.4) Fabry–Pérot etalon at normal incidence. The upper animation is for etalon thickness chosen to give maximum transmission while the lower animation is for thickness chosen to give minimum transmission.
  • Fabry–Pérot interferometer, using a pair of partially reflective, slightly wedged optical flats. The wedge angle is highly exaggerated in this illustration; only a fraction of a degree is actually necessary to avoid ghost fringes. Low-finesse versus high-finesse images correspond to mirror reflectivities of 4% (bare glass) and 95%.
  • False color transient for a high refractive index, dielectric slab in air. The thickness/frequencies have been selected such that red (top) and blue (bottom) experience maximum transmission, whereas the green (middle) experiences minimum transmission.
  • A Fabry–Pérot etalon. Light enters the etalon and undergoes multiple internal reflections.
  • Example of a Fabry–Pérot resonator with (top) frequency-dependent mirror reflectivity and (bottom) the resulting distorted mode profiles <math> \gamma_{q,{\rm trans}}^{\prime} </math> of the modes with indices <math> q = 2000, 2001, 2002 </math>, the sum of 6 million mode profiles (pink dots, displayed for a few frequencies only), and the Airy distribution <math> A_{\rm trans}^{\prime} </math>.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> The vertical dashed lines denote the maximum of the reflectivity curve (black) and the resonance frequencies of the individual modes (colored).
  • Lorentzian linewidth and finesse versus Airy linewidth and finesse of a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> [Left] Relative Lorentzian linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_c / \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math> (blue curve), relative Airy linewidth <math> \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} / \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math> (green curve), and its approximation (red curve). [Right] Lorentzian finesse <math> \mathcal{F}_c </math> (blue curve), Airy finesse <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} </math> (green curve), and its approximation (red curve) as a function of reflectivity value <math> R_1 R_2 </math>. The exact solutions of the Airy linewidth and finesse (green lines) correctly break down at <math> \Delta \nu_{\rm Airy} = \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math>, equivalent to <math> \mathcal{F}_{\rm Airy} = 1 </math>, whereas their approximations (red lines) incorrectly do not break down. Insets: Region <math> R_1 R_2 < 0.1 </math>.
  • The physical meaning of the Lorentzian finesse <math> \mathcal{F}_c </math> of a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> Displayed is the situation for <math> R_1 = R_2 \approx 4.32\% </math>, at which <math> \Delta \nu_c = \Delta \nu_{\rm FSR} </math> and <math> \mathcal{F}_c = 1 </math>, i.e., two adjacent Lorentzian lines (dashed colored lines, only 5 lines are shown for clarity for each resonance frequency,<math> \nu_{q} </math>) cross at half maximum (solid black line) and the Taylor criterion for spectrally resolving two peaks in the resulting Airy distribution (solid purple line, the sum of 5 lines which has been normalized to the peak intensity of itself) is reached.
  • Resonance enhancement in a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> (top) Spectrally dependent internal resonance enhancement, equaling the generic Airy distribution <math> A_\text{circ} </math>. Light launched into the resonator is resonantly enhanced by this factor. For the curve with <math> R_1 = R_2 = 0.9</math>, the peak value is at <math> A_\text{circ}(\nu_q) = 100 </math>, outside the scale of the ordinate. (bottom) Spectrally dependent external resonance enhancement, equaling the Airy distribution <math> A_\text{circ}^{\prime} </math>. Light incident upon the resonator is resonantly enhanced by this factor.
  • Electric fields in a Fabry–Pérot resonator.<ref name=IsmailPollnau2016/> The electric-field mirror reflectivities are <math> r_1 </math> and <math> r_2 </math>. Indicated are the characteristic electric fields produced by an electric field <math> E_{\rm inc} </math> incident upon mirror 1: <math> E_{\rm refl,1} </math> initially reflected at mirror 1, <math> E_{\rm laun} </math> launched through mirror 1, <math> E_{\rm circ} </math> and <math> E_\text{b-circ} </math> circulating inside the resonator in forward and backward propagation direction, respectively, <math> E_{\rm RT} </math> propagating inside the resonator after one round trip, <math> E_{\rm trans} </math> transmitted through mirror 2, <math> E_{\rm back} </math> transmitted through mirror 1, and the total field <math> E_{\rm refl} </math> propagating backward. Interference occurs at the left- and right-hand sides of mirror 1 between <math> E_{\rm refl,1} </math> and <math> E_{\rm back} </math>, resulting in <math> E_{\rm refl} </math>, and between <math> E_{\rm laun} </math> and <math> E_{\rm RT} </math>, resulting in <math> E_{\rm circ} </math>, respectively.
Etalon; Fabry-Perot; Fabry-Perot Interferometer; Fabry-Perot Étalon; Fabry-Perot interferometer; Fabry-Perot etalon; Fabry-Perot étalon; Coefficient of Finesse; Coefficient of finesse; Fabry-Pérot etalon; Fabry perot etalon; Fabry Perot etalon; Fabry-Perot Etalon; Étalon; Fabry-Pérot étalon; Fabry-Pérot; Fabry Pérot etalon; Fabry Pérot étalon; Fabry Perot; Fabry Pérot; Fabry-Pérot interferometer; Fabry–Perot interferometer; Fabry–Pérot interferometers; Fabry-Perot device; Fabry–Perot etalon; Fabry–Pérot etalon; Fabry–Pérot; Fabry–Pérot laser; Fabry-Perot laser; Fabry-Pérot laser; Fabry-Pérot interferometers; Faby-Perot filter; Fabry-Perot filter; Fabry–Pérot interferometry; Finesse Coefficient; Fabry-Pérot interferometry; Fabry Pérot interferometer
In optics, a Fabry–Pérot interferometer (FPI) or etalon is an optical cavity made from two parallel reflecting surfaces (i.e.
Carlos Perot         
Draft:Carlos Perot
Carlos Perot (1919-2003) was the pseudonym of Carlos Pelikan Rotter, a Chilean artist mostly known for his paintings depicting marine landscapes and scenes. He was, at the time of his death, the only Latin American recognized by the Royal Society of Marine Artists.


Ross Perot

Henry Ross Perot (; June 27, 1930 – July 9, 2019) was an American business magnate, billionaire, politician and philanthropist. He was the founder and chief executive officer of Electronic Data Systems and Perot Systems. He ran an independent campaign in the 1992 U.S. presidential election and a third-party campaign in the 1996 U.S. presidential election as the nominee of the Reform Party, which was formed by grassroots supporters of Perot's 1992 campaign. Although he failed to carry a single state in either election, both campaigns were among the strongest presidential showings by a third party or independent candidate in U.S. history.

Born and raised in Texarkana, Texas, Perot became a salesman for IBM after serving in the United States Navy. In 1962, he founded Electronic Data Systems, a data processing service company. In 1984, General Motors bought a controlling interest in the company for $2.4 billion. Perot established Perot Systems in 1988 and was an angel investor for NeXT, a computer company founded by Steve Jobs after he left Apple. Perot also became heavily involved in the Vietnam War POW/MIA issue, arguing that hundreds of American servicemen were left behind in Southeast Asia after the Vietnam War. During the presidency of George H. W. Bush, Perot became increasingly active in politics and strongly opposed the Gulf War and ratification of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

In 1992, Perot announced his intention to run for president and advocated a balanced budget, an end to the outsourcing of jobs, and the enactment of electronic direct democracy. A June 1992 Gallup poll showed Perot leading a three-way race against President Bush and presumptive Democratic nominee Bill Clinton. Perot withdrew from the race in July, but re-entered the race in early October after he qualified for all 50 state ballots. He chose Admiral James Stockdale as his running mate and appeared in the 1992 debates with Bush and Clinton. In the election, Perot did not win any electoral votes, but won over 19.7 million votes for an 18.9% share of the popular vote. He won support from across the ideological and partisan spectrum, but performed best among self-described moderates. Perot ran for president again in 1996, establishing the Reform Party as a vehicle for his campaign. He won 8.4 percent of the popular vote against President Clinton and Republican nominee Bob Dole.

Perot did not seek public office again after 1996. He endorsed Republican George W. Bush over Reform nominee Pat Buchanan in the 2000 election and supported Republican Mitt Romney in 2008 and 2012. In 2009, Dell acquired Perot Systems for $3.9 billion. According to Forbes, Perot was the 167th richest person in the United States as of 2016.